5 Benefits of Eating Nuts and Dried Fruit During Pregnancy

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Pregnancy often forces us to take a harsher approach to our health, simply because everything you eat now directly affects your child. With all of potential health risks we encounter now, it’s hard to know what to eat. Nuts and dried fruits are the perfect addition to your diet due to the numerous benefits they provide. Another great part about dried fruit is your ability to eat lesser quantities than the raw ones, while still getting the same level of nutrients. Here are five necessary nutrients for pregnant women. Eat up, ladies!


With pregnancy often comes the unfortunate side effects of hemorrhoids, constipation, weight gain and blood pressure issues. Fiber is one of your best defenses against these. Nuts and dried fruits higher in fiber are almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts, apples, dates, apricots, and raisins.


Protein is vital to the health and development of your baby. Some great options for nuts would be almonds, coconuts and pistachios. For your dried fruits, dates should be a your first pick.


Many people, not just pregnant women, struggle with iron deficiencies. Specifically during pregnancy though, women need about 27 milligrams of iron every day. Through its ability to aid in blood production and from this hemoglobin, obviously, your fetus is provided with oxygen. To step-up your iron levels, look to dried dates, apples, raisins, goji berries, walnuts and coconuts.

Calcium, magnesium and manganese

Granted this is a cluster of minerals, they all come in large quantities in dried fruits and nuts. Essential to the development of skeletal bones, muscles, nerves and ligaments in both mother and baby, these minerals should make it onto every expectant mother’s grocery list. Why waste your precious energy running to the store, though, when you can buy all them through the online drugstore we provide?


With our iron recommendation, let us add copper because the two go hand-in-hand. Copper promotes absorption of iron and is responsible for the development of the brain. Large quantities of this essential mineral can be found in cashews, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts. Dried fruits high in copper are apricots and dates.

As you progress through your pregnancy, you will find your own specific deficiencies, but this is a great general guide you can follow to aid in hitting your daily requirements. As a leader in online drugstores, customer satisfaction is our goal. Among the many products for pregnant women we provide, we also offer a huge selection of nuts and dried fruits to fully satisfy your nutritional needs for a healthy pregnancy.

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