5 Nutritional Supplements You Should Have In Your Cupboards (And How To Take Them)

5 Nutritional Supplements You Should Have In Your Cupboards (And How To Take Them)

We’re all guilty of it — we buy vitamins online, get home, place them in the cupboard with perfectly good intentions to use them the next day, and … we forget about them.

They sit in our kitchen, collecting more and more bottles and capsules and oils as friends, and don’t do us any good because we never actually use them. In today’s blog from The Online Drugstore, we’ll cover five nutritional supplements you should buy, why you should use them, and how to use them.

We’re your health shop online, so come to us for online health products, vitamins, and other items, and trust us with the knowledge you need to have these products improve your health.


If you’re older than 30, then this nutritional supplement could be extremely beneficial for your body. Glucosamine and chondroitin are both found naturally in the body, but you need more as you age.

If you’re experiencing pain from sports injuries or your joints are just aching in general (we’ve all been there), try taking 1,500 milligrams of these substances daily or follow the prescription amount the container dictates. You should start to see and feel improvements within six weeks at the most. We offer online health products from leaders in the nutritional supplement industry, so check them out for yourself and see which brand, flavor, or form you think will work best for you.


These fancily-named bugs, bacteria, and yeasts have been all the rage in the world of health as of late — there are even probiotics for animals now! Not many people actually know what they are or what they do though. We did a two-part blog series on gut health and why probiotics are essential, so be sure to read up there.

For a quick synopsis, taking probiotics each day can calm inflammation, support hormonal health, and even increase brain health, let alone help with your gut. Probiotics will keep your microbiome in balance. This may sound complicated, but it essentially means you’ll enjoy a normal bowel pattern, relieve digestive discomfort, and have a healthy GI tract. When you’re browsing our online supplement store for these nutritional supplements, keep an eye out for dairy-free, soy-free, and yeast-free options.

Using 100 billion units per day is recommended when you are trying to heal gut damage or current imbalances. Otherwise, 30-60 billion units per day should be enough for daily maintenance.

Vitamin D

There’s a reason why you may already have vitamin D in your pantry: it’s that important. Many people already know to buy vitamin D, but it often goes untouched in that pantry.

This powerful vitamin will increase bone strength and heart health and it may help prevent diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and many other health conditions. Your body produces it naturally when your skin is exposed to sunlight. It’s converted to a hormone in your body — a hormone that can control everything from your mood to your metabolism. Sounds important, right?

Anywhere between 30 and 100 ng/mL is a normal level of vitamin D in your body, and many nutritionists recommend keeping your levels in the 60 to 90 ng/mL for your best possible health. You can meet with a doctor if you want to determine where your levels are, and buy vitamins online to get your body to a proper level and maintain it. Many vitamin D packages will also have a recommended daily amount you should take.


Magnesium is consumed through your diet, but dietary intake of magnesium can sometimes not be enough for bodily needs, especially among women. And trust us — you want this mineral in your body. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, clogged arteries, osteoporosis, and even hereditary heart disease.

There are many foods that are good magnesium sources, but to make sure you’re getting enough, it’s wise to have this nutritional supplement on hand. Magnesium is also especially useful to have on hand because it can be used as a laxative and as an antacid for acid indigestion.

If you’re under age 30, a dosage of 310 mg is recommended for women and 400 mg is recommended for men. Once you’re older than 30, the recommended dosage for women is 320 mg and for men is 420 mg. Magnesium is especially useful for high blood pressure in pregnant women, but be sure to check with your health care provider about how much you should consume. Shop our online supplement store today.

Omega 3

Adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet is one of the best things you can do for your health. By incorporating these nutritional supplements, you’ll lower your risk of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and arthritis; reduce inflammation; and improve cognition, memory, and behavior in the brain (where omega-3 fatty acids are highly concentrated).

Omega-3 fatty acids are obviously vital, but balancing your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is also essential. Omega-6 fatty acids are often inflammatory, whereas omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory. When omega-6 fatty acids outweigh the omega-3 fatty acids in your body, which is common, you can imagine that problems will arise.

Omega-3 nutritional supplements primarily consist of fish oil. Be aware that some fish oils include mercury, and look for supplements including both EPA and DPA, the two key healthy fats in fish. When you have aching joints or injuries, these nutritional supplements can help reduce inflammation. Consuming these daily, though, is recommended for health, especially since the modern diet is generally full of processed foods and refined oils instead of plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Looking for diet supplements that will keep you healthy? These five are a good start. They help with overall health while also serving other purposes — making them perfect to have on hand. Enjoy convenience when you buy vitamins online from our online health store. We even offer free shipping on orders of $49 or more!

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