Check Out These Powerful Vitamins - Part Two

Check Out These Powerful Vitamins - Part Two

Through our online health store, you can find an array of vitamins and supplements to add to your daily diet. In many cases, supplements are one of the most effective ways to ensure you are getting enough important nutrients. As you browse the vast selection of vitamins we offer, you might begin to wonder, which ones are right for me? Understanding what each vitamin does goes a long way in helping you decide which ones to add to your daily diet.

In part two of a blog series, we are diving into the letter vitamins and the role they play in your well being. As you learn about each vitamin, we will also discuss the different ways you can increase the amount of the vitamin that you are getting in your diet. You can also check out the supplements we offer to help improve your health. Check out the last three vitamins in our two-part series on letter vitamins.

#1: Vitamin D

Sometimes referred to as the sunshine vitamin due to our bodies ability to produce vitamin D when time is spent exposed to the sun, this vitamin is a vital nutrient to your health and well being. In fact, vitamin D does a vast array of good things for the body, including all of the following:

  • It helps your body absorb calcium, which in turn leads to stronger bones
  • It aids your muscles in movement
  • It helps your nerves carry messages between the brain and body parts
  • It strengthens your immune system

With so much of your health being dependent upon the right amount of vitamin D in your life, it is critical you find a good source for this nutrient. Unfortunately, very few foods are naturally rich in vitamin D. For this reason, in the United States, many foods are fortified with vitamin D. Milk, for example, is almost always fortified with vitamin D. Another great option is to add a vitamin D supplement into your daily routine, particularly if you aren’t exposed to very much sun.

#2: Vitamin E

While some vitamins are talked about all the time, such as vitamin C, there are others that are often forgotten. One such nutrient is vitamin E. If you have never considered your intake of vitamin E, now is the time to do so. This vitamin plays a vital role in the health of your immune system. It is responsible for protecting cells from free radical damage, as well as fighting bacteria and viruses. Not only that, but vitamin E contributes to the well-being of your blood vessels and helps prevent clotting.

Ensuring you have enough vitamin E in your daily diet is a must. The good news is that you can find vitamin E naturally in many foods. Some of the following are great foods to add to your diet if you are worried about your intake of this valuable nutrient:

  • Vegetable Oils: Do you shy away from vegetable oils? While you don’t want to over consume these oils, adding some sunflower, safflower, or wheat germ oils into your daily diet will help boost your vitamin E intake significantly.
  • Nuts: Next time you grab an afternoon snack, consider a handful of almonds, peanuts, or sunflower seeds. These foods are a great source of vitamin E.
  • Green Veggies: Making almost every list of healthy foods, green veggies are a wonderful way to intake vitamin E. Broccoli and spinach are two excellent sources.

If you feel like your diet alone isn’t doing enough, consider purchasing a vitamin E supplement. Taking this supplement each day can help ensure you are reaching an adequate amount of this important nutrient.

#3: Vitamin K

Finally, last on our list of lettered vitamins is the important nutrient vitamin K. This vitamin plays a major role in the clotting of your blood. Without enough vitamin K, you will bruise easily and your blood won’t clot properly if you are injured. Vitamin K also helps contribute to the health of your bones, which makes it a critical nutrient for combatting osteoporosis.

Vitamin K is another vitamin on our list that can be accessed through a variety of healthy foods. In fact, many foods rich in vitamin K are also rich in other important vitamins, which makes it easy to add multiple nutrients to your diet at once. For example, vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables, such as kale and spinach. These healthy foods are also chock full of other vitamins, such as A and C. The vegetable oils mentioned above in conjunction with vitamin E also contain K.

The good news is that once you start adding in healthy foods to your diet, you will quickly find that many of these foods offer you an array of important nutrients. You can also consider adding in a vitamin K supplement, particularly if you are on a blood thinner and your doctor has recommended an increased amount of vitamin K.

Talk To Your Doctor Today

We hope you have learned a lot in our two-part series on the letter vitamins. If you are concerned about the number of vitamins you get on a daily basis, talk to your doctor today about whether or not supplements are the right fix for you. Trying to diagnosis deficiencies on your own is hard, as many symptoms of one deficiency mimic the symptoms of another. Not only that, but certain vitamins can be overdone whereas others can be taken without concern. Chat with your doc and then shop our online health store for the vitamins you need.

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