How to Battle Your Summer Allergies

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Most people associate allergies with spring, but allergy sufferers know that their symptoms can last long into the summer. Part of it depends on what you are actually allergic to; if you have outdoor allergies to anything that blooms in the summer, you could end up suffering much worse than in the spring. But there is hope! You don’t have to live with allergies or stay locked up inside all summer long. Here are some medicinal and natural methods you can try to ease your allergy suffering, all available in our drugstore online:

Over the Counter Medication

There are so many great medications available in our drugstore online that can help you put an end to allergy symptoms. If you hesitate to take something because it makes you drowsy or it didn’t work, don’t give up on an OTC solution. Thanks to the variety of medications available, you are likely to find something that works for you even if the first thing you try doesn’t. Try one of these:

  • Daily Sprays. These medications are administered through a mist that you spray into your sinus cavity. Most sprays work for 12 or 24 hours to give you lasting relief, and most users report less drowsiness than with other medications.
  • Daily Tablets. Like the sprays, these tablets are taken once or twice a day to give you lasting relief. There are many options to choose from, so you may want to try a few different brands to find the one that seems to work best for you.
  • As-Needed Tablets. If you only suffer occasional symptoms, a daily medication might be too much. Try to find an allergy medication that contains an antihistamine and helps to keep your sinuses clear without making you drowsy.

Natural Allergy Relief Methods

If you prefer to avoid medication entirely, there are still plenty of things that you can do to help relieve your allergy symptoms. Try these drug-free solutions:

  • Nasal rinses. Using a neti pot or other nasal rinsing bottle, you’ll gently flush your sinus cavity with warm, salty water. This can help remove allergens as well as any mucus build up to help you breathe easy.
  • Nasal strips. These sticky strips sit on your nose and gently lift your nostrils to allow more air to flow into the passages. If allergies cause your nose to become stuffed up, these can help you find relief.
  • Menthol or eucalyptus oil. These two natural scents are great for helping to open up your airways. You might be more familiar with them for cold relief, but they work well for allergies, too. Defuse them in your home or rub oil on your chest, neck, or even your feet to find relief.

All of these remedies are available in our drugstore online. Don’t suffer through allergy season! Place an order for the over the counter medication or drug-free allergy relief methods that you need to enjoy everything that summer has to offer. Check out our free shipping offer and stock up on your allergy relief.

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