Fight A Head Cold With Tea Tree Oil

In this fast-paced world, it is easy to reach for a quick fix or just ignore your symptoms because life simply won’t allow

you to slow down. Part of functioning at your best and being able to work quickly and efficiently is maintaining good health. As the weather cools down, we are heading into the season for colds. You know, those painfully long, fog up your mind sort of colds. The ones you hate because you can function, but everything is hazy. Well, luckily we have just the treatment that will allow you to keep going and still remain on the natural side of treating your cold. Even if you play hooky from work to heal at home, don’t worry. As a supplier of online health products, we can easily ship them to you. So let’s talk tea tree oil.

If you haven’t dabbled in the world of essential oils before, this may be a foreign term to you, but the tea tree oil industry has been around since the 1920s. Discovered by Arthur Penfold, tea tree oil showed promise for treating ailments. Native to Australia, the tea tree plant, melaleuca alternifolia, was originally used by aboriginal people of Australia to treat skin infections wounds. “The oil (and even rubbing natural leaves on the skin) has been shown to have several different useful antiseptic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties, some proven better than others,” says Jessica Krant, M.D., M.P.H., assistant clinical professor of dermatology at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in New York City.

Now that you have some history on this wonder oil, you probably want to know how it can help your cold. Some of the common symptoms of colds include stuffy nose, congestion and sore throat. Three of the main benefits of tea tea oil is as an antiseptic, anti inflammatory and expectorant. Tea tree oil can be used in many ways but the best for colds is taking a hot bath with several drops of it in the water. An indication that it is working will be profuse sweating. This should help a cold from developing or at least it should lessen the severity and can help prevent a secondary infection.

Let us be your health shop online this season. After all, we all want to feel our best. Shop now.

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