Have You Child-Proofed Your House Yet?

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The unparalleled joy of watching your baby take his or her first step or crawl for the first time is a regular part of every new parent’s life. Your heart is full watching them experience so many firsts. But with walking and crawling comes almost constant opportunities for danger. Everything is new and exciting, especially when those things are within reach of tiny hands, such as outlets and cupboards full of chemicals. We offer the child safety products you need to keep your baby safe while still allowing them to freely explore.

The majority of accidents resulting in an ER visit or injury happen at home. Over half of unintentional deaths among those four years old and younger happen at home. Given that most of their time is spent in the home environment, it makes sense. Be diligent in your search for potential hazards around the house. After all, if you spent all day crawling on your hands and knees, you would run into a few things too!

Outlets and cupboards are dangers on the top of every parent’s list of concerns. Even the most protective parents cannot be there every second of the day. Even if you did, your curious little guy or girl still has those tiny, eager fingers that are dedicated to finding trouble. Fortunately our baby care shop has your child care supplies needs covered. Our Baby King Cabinet Lock & 4 Shock Safety Guards will keep your baby safe from otherwise dangerous situations. Go ahead and relax. We’re looking out for you and your family.

Shop our child care products now for all your home safety needs!

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