How Are You Protecting Your Lips This Winter?

Baby, it’s cold outside.

For you summer lovers, this is the beginning of suffering for a few months - cold weather, dry skin and chapped lips. You winter lovers are experiencing the same things, but are too distracted by thoughts of white snow and hot chocolate to care. Love it or hate, it’s still here. Do you detest the idea of going out in the cold or just genuinely dislike missing a chance jump face first into a pile of freshly fallen leaves? One of the great parts of online cosmetics shopping is allowing you to choose which activities get you off the couch and out of the house. Save the local pharmacy hassle for someone else. Curious about a few extra tips for keeping your lips plump, soft and perfectly kissable all winter long? Give these a try!

Keep water on hand.

We all know water is necessary for healthy bodily function and hydration. What about those luscious lips though? Well, hydration not only plays into your overall health, but it also keeps your skin AND lips from becoming dry as the desert.

Stop smacking.

Lick iiiit, lick iiiit, all we want to do is lick it! Well, stop it. Licking your lips damages the protective barrier, which can dry them out. Our suggestion? Try one of many lip care products such as Dr. Dan’s Cortibalm Lip Balm or Nivea’s lip care. Are you more of a natural gal? We can dig that. Give our White Cloverine Salve a chance-great for lips, hands and rough skin in general.

Join exfoliation nation.

Do you feel like you’re applying layer after layer of balm, stick or any other protectant to those lovely lips of yours to no avail? Exfoliate, girl! In essence this removes the layer of built up skin and allows your lip balm to penetrate and fully moisturize. There are multiple lip exfoliators on the market, but if you’re looking for simple, cheap alternatives, try mixing sugar with a drop of water and slowly rubbing away that oh-so-unsexy build up, then finish by wiping off with a warm, moist washcloth. A bit of adhesive tape will also remove the surface level. Be careful with this method though, especially if your lips are extremely chapped.

Whether you are the happy snow bunny or the bitter bear ready for hibernation, we want your lips to look and feel their best. And, hey, at least you guys have a common enemy: pointless errands keeping you from doing what you actually want to do with your freetime. As your online drugstore, we can make winter fun again (or even more fun.) Stay beautiful this season!

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