How to Avoid Getting Sick When Spring Weather Changes Arrive

How to Avoid Getting Sick When Spring Weather Changes Arrive

As we wave goodbye to winter and cold, biting winds turn to a light, refreshing breeze, it’s only natural that our mood and spirits lift along with the temperature.

But the changing seasons also bring fluctuating weather patterns and challenges for our immune systems. While allergies, specifically, are a common concern as we move into spring – we'll be taking a closer look at beating allergies in an upcoming feature – there are many other health risks associated with the changing of the seasons.

For example, spring fever, viruses, and stomach bugs are often widespread, all of which can keep us feeling unwell and at home when we want to get outside and enjoy the improving weather.

Read on to discover how to avoid getting sick when weather changes arrive.

Why do Weather Changes Make You Sick?

When the seasons change, our immune system needs to help our bodies adapt to the new conditions. Sometimes, our bodies don't always react or adjust how we'd want them to, subsequently triggering illnesses as our immune system tries to work out what's happening.

It's the same principle behind why extreme weather events like heat waves are so dangerous. And those days or weeks where you don't feel great because one moment it's hot and the next it's cold and raining - same thing.

Thankfully, we can do a lot to support our immune systems and reduce the likelihood of getting sick as the weather changes.

Lifestyle Strategies for Avoiding Spring Weather Change Sicknesses

Ensure You Dress Appropriately

Regulating our temperature is one of the most vital things we can do to keep our bodies working as they should. To deal with the sometimes variable and temperamental springtime weather, wear thinner layers so you can add, remove, and adjust as you need to. This is the best way to ensure you don't get too cold or hot and put your immune system under more stress.

Stay Hydrated

Even a slight rise in temperatures can enhance the need to stay hydrated. As well as helping to regulate our body temperature, water is a critical component of a fit and fighting immune system. Aim for eight glasses of water a day – buy a reusable water bottle to carry around with you, too!

Maintain a Balanced Diet

A diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins will help your body get all the nutrients necessary for a healthy immune system. If you can buy locally grown, seasonal fruits and vegetables, these can be particularly beneficial for your body, with the bonus of often helping ease the symptoms of allergies, too.

Get Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is excellent for our mental and physical health. It is also essential for our immune system – so long as you don't overdo it if you feel ill. If you fell out of the exercise habit during the winter, now is a fantastic time to get moving again. Try walking at least part of the way to work or during your lunch break if you don't enjoy the gym or following a particular routine.

Prioritize Sleep

Changing daylight hours and temperatures can significantly disrupt our sleep and make us susceptible to sickness. Aim to keep where you sleep dark and cool, ideally replicating how it's been during the winter months if you've been able to follow healthy sleep habits. That's on top of all the usual sleep hygiene tips like limiting screen time before bed and not having your cell phone in your bedroom.

Manage Stress

Stress weakens our immune system but can often be unavoidable for several reasons. Try things like yoga and meditation – even just planning time to relax and do nothing can make a difference. Exercise will help here, too!

Maintain Good Hygiene Practices

While the weather can directly affect us getting ill at this time of year, another prominent cause of sickness is that we tend to let our guard down when we come out of winter. Maintain good hand hygiene and keep your distance from people exhibiting symptoms of fever or colds and flu. These illnesses are always out there!

Supplements for Avoiding and Beating Weather Change Illnesses

Vitamin D

If you've been taking vitamin D during the winter to compensate for reduced sunlight, continue! And there is still time to start and feel a difference if not! Vitamin D is crucial for immune function, so consider taking a supplement until you can get a few hours of sunlight each day.


Vitamin C

If you don't eat many citrus fruits, tomatoes, or bell peppers, consider taking a vitamin C supplement to bolster your immune response.

Vitamin C


Zinc is another powerful ally that will keep your immune system working as it should. You'll find it in nuts, seeds, and some seafood, as well as in supplement form if you don't eat many of these foods.



The health community is increasingly understanding and learning more about how vital our gut is to our overall well-being. Consume yogurt and fermented foods within your healthy diet to maintain as diverse a gut flora as possible and support your immune system. Dairy-free and other dietary probiotic options, as well as probiotic supplements, are widely available if you need to avoid certain foods or ingredients.


Herbal Teas

Herbal teas tick every box when it comes to avoiding getting sick as the weather changes. Ginger, echinacea, and green tea can all support immune health, boost your hydration levels, and are excellent natural remedies if you do get sick, especially if you pick up a stomach bug.

Stay Healthy as the Weather Changes!

By combining mindful lifestyle adaptations with supplements, if you need them, you can make it easy for your body to adapt to the changing seasons and avoid getting sick when the weather changes.

Remember you can pick up all your essential supplements, as well as over-the-counter medications if you do get sick, here at our online health and wellness store.

As always, ensure you consult with your physician before starting to take any new supplements.

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