Is Cinnamon Your Missing Supplement?

Is Cinnamon Your Missing Supplement?

Having high blood sugar levels exposes you to a host of complications including metabolic concerns such as prediabetes and diabetes, and other diseases that include Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Learning how to manage high blood sugar levels will keep you healthy and in a better state of wellness.

Who would have guessed how therapeutic and beneficial cinnamon is for your health? This spice tastes phenomenal, and gives a sweetness to foods and beverages without the sugar. If you’re working on resolving your high blood sugar levels, The Online Drugstore has a myriad of vitamins and minerals — including cinnamon — that can guide you towards a healthier way of living!

Cinnamon and Blood Sugar

If you have high blood sugar, some common symptoms include:

  • Brain fog and fatigue
  • Blurry vision
  • Headaches
  • Poor focus
  • Frequent urination

Prolonged high blood sugar can have the following symptoms:

  • Slow wound healing
  • Skin and vaginal infections
  • Worsening vision
  • Nerve damage
  • GI issues

Causes of High Blood Sugar

High blood sugar can result from the following factors:

  • Too many carbs
  • Have increased stress levels
  • Are sedentary or inactive
  • Are sick
  • Dealing with infection
  • Miss an insulin shot
  • Involved in heavy exercise with high blood sugar levels coupled with low insulin

It was the apple pie...

In the 2003 issue of Diabetes Care, it was cited that only a half-teaspoon of cinnamon a day can have a significant impact on blood sugar levels in diabetics. This happened by sheer coincidence! When researchers went to study the effects of apple pie on blood sugar, they found the opposite results of what was hypothesized and found that cinnamon was the variable! From there they asked participants with type 2 diabetes to consume one, three, or six grams of cinnamon powder each day. After only a couple of weeks, all three groups found a 20 percent reduction in blood sugar levels when compared to the control group.

How does the cinnamon work?

When you consume sugars and carbohydrates, both are broken down to glucose and then sent to circulate the body. When there is an abundance of glucose, insulin makes the body absorb the glucose and use it for both energy and fat storage. Cinnamon is advantageous because of a water-soluble compound called methylhydroxychalcone (MHCP) that has the ability to imitate insulin and act at its receptor site to help modulate and balance blood sugar levels. The beauty of insulin and MHCP is they work together, synergistically, and more efficiently than they would on their own.

Skip the apple pie, but get more cinnamon!

Although eating apple pie is a delicious way of consuming cinnamon, if you think you have high blood sugar levels, you might want to consider an alternative. Cinnamon is great in coffee and as a seasoning for poultry and beef. You can also find cinnamon supplements at The Online Drugstore.

If you have symptoms of high blood sugar and can relate to some of the causes, cinnamon may be a great supplement to balance your blood sugar levels. Try cinnamon in your favorite foods and beverages or find it in the supplement form.

At The Online Drugstore, you can buy vitamins online! Browse our selection today!

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