​It Only Comes Out At Night! All About Melatonin (Part One)

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A woman sleeping in bed

In a couple of posts, we’ve covered what sleep deprivation is and how it’s more harmful than you might think. Commonly, melatonin is used to help battle sleep deprivation. And, while people are pretty good at taking it as directed and recommended on the bottle instructions, do you know what melatonin is and how it works?

Melatonin is a popular nutritional supplement that can be found at The Online Drugstore. Our online health store provides everything you need for getting your best night's sleep, yet — from ear plugs and sleep masks to a variety of melatonin in different strengths. Join in on the discussion today that covers all you need to know about melatonin!

Melatonin For Sleep Support

When you’re discussing your sleeplessness with friend and families, the conversation will likely turn in the direction of melatonin. Everyone likes to recommend it, but many may not even know what it is! When you’re taking a sleep aid, whether it’s deemed natural or not, it’s important to be educated on what you’re taking! Become educated on melatonin so you can properly take it yourself, and when having conversations around it, will make you able to speak intelligently to the topic!

Spread the melatonin knowledge!

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, which is a brain structure that helps balance your sleep/wake cycle, or circadian rhythm.The precursor neurotransmitter to melatonin is serotonin, which is derived from an amino acid called tryptophan (the “turkey” amino acid). Tryptophan is considered the “turkey” amino acid because it’s prevalent in turkey, and many attribute it to the post-Thanksgiving sleepiness that people experience! So, not only does it support sleep health, but mood issues as well!

Melatonin is more concentrated at night — when it’s readily made — and the levels tend to go up as the sun goes down and gets darker. Naturally, it’s less concentrated as light hits in the morning and the sun rises. Your circadian rhythm is set by how much natural light you get each day and the clock that is specific to you; all of this determines how much melatonin is synthesized.

Melatonin is also highly advantageous for women because of its reproductive role. It aids in the timing and release or female hormones and determines when they menstruate, as well as the frequency in length of the cycle, and when it will stop (menopause).

It is also theorized by researches that melatonin levels are highest in youth because of the amount of growth experienced, and is reduced in old age, which could explain why seniors don’t require as much sleep.

Pillows on a bed
What influences melatonin production?

Do you even feel like hibernation in winter is imminent, or things are a little slower and you’re a little more sleepy? That is attributed to your melatonin levels. Winter ushers darker and shorter days, which plays with your levels. You may require more sleep or increased fatigue in the winter season, but you can always raise levels with melatonin-friendly foods (more on that later).

Other factors that can disrupt its beneficial properties are caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol, in addition to working graveyard shifts or poor vision.

When it comes to supplementing with melatonin, it can be highly beneficial for many biological mechanisms, including your circadian rhythm. Because it’s very popular for conquering sleep deprivation, many people with recommend it without knowing much about it. We’ve learned it’s a hormone produced by our body, and it can be disrupted by environmental factors, as well as lifestyle.

We’re just getting started on the topic of melatonin! Stay tuned for part two!

Shop today at The Online Drugstore for melatonin and get better sleep! 

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