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The Online Drugstore is your source for for ordering over-the-counter medication and generic drugs online. Beyond this, though, is our unique inventory for other needs. Gift shopping for loved ones is a common activity that graces the internet. Shopping around online drugstores may seem weird, but we have gifts that will give anyone their fill of nostalgia. Slinkies, rubber band guns, model car kits; we have it all! If you’re struggling to find a gift for a loved one, our old-school toys will not disappoint. To help stoke the sentimentality of these wonderful items, today we will look at three popular items:

Magic 8-Ball

Having the clairvoyance to tell the future and answer life’s great questions is a high-demand skill. Since the 1950s, kids have been utilizing this all-knowing tool to satiate curiosities. Originally invented by a young man fascinated by his mother’s clairvoyant gift, the 8-ball was initially marketed as a crystal ball. However, Brunswick Billiards became highly interested in the item and suggested forming it into the 8-ball shape we all know today. This is an easy, affordable gift that will lay the nostalgia on thick for whoever receives it.


When has having two knobs on an aluminum coated screen ever been so much fun? This bad boy was made in the late 1950s by a French electrician named André Cassagnes. The Ohio Art Company decided to run with this unheard of item and market it it for Christmas in 1960. Since then, the Etch-A-Sketch has seen a few tweaks and upgrades. However, the design has remained largely unchanged to this day. This old-school drawing platform was inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame and is sure to be a great gift for your loved ones.

Rubik’s Cube

Coming a little bit later than the previous two, this endearing toy came along during the middle of the 1970s. What’s interesting is that the original intent of the cube was to be used as a model for 3D geometry. However, by the end of the seventies, the now named Rubik's Cube was introduced to the Nuremberg Toy Fair. The multi-colored hexahedron took off from there, selling millions of units and becoming the best-selling toy ever. This brain-challenging gem can brighten up anyone’s day.

Whether shopping for a child with a curious mind or a full-grown child, classic gifts can entertain all crowds. The Online Drugstore sells nostalgic gifts that are sure to ensure your title as “cool gift giver”. We also have a huge inventory of over-the-counter generic drugs online for your purchasing convenience. Whatever item you need, we have you covered! With free shipping on all orders over 49 dollars, you can worry about the rest of your day. Shop our nostalgic items now!

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