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Many Americans smoke cigarettes daily. A lot of people in this diminishing group want to quit but cannot. Sadly, the addictive properties of cigarettes almost eliminates the chances of successfully kicking the habit. The Online Drugstore has the products you need to win the fight. We are the authority on ordering over-the-counter drugs online and offering quality generic alternatives. If you are looking for aids to stop smoking, look no further. People know smoking is unhealthy, but what’s the big deal? Let’s look at a two select answers for this question:

Smoking Is Dangerous

This statement may seem like a no-brainer. The CDC has a fact sheet to completely break down how dangerous smoking can really be. Here is a shortened list of statistics they reported:

  • One out of five deaths in the U.S. is attributed to smoking each year; that’s 480,000 people!
  • More than 10 times as many U.S. citizens have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the United States during its history
  • Lung cancer kills more women each year than breast cancer
  • Smoking kills more citizens every year than HIV, alcohol and drug use, motor vehicle accidents, and firearm incidents combined

To some degree these statistics seem unbelievable. How can a product be so dangerous?

It’s Expensive

To appeal to the money savvy shopper, let’s try looking at smoking from an economic standpoint. For the sake of generic math we’ll say cigarettes cost 8 dollars a pack. Those who spoke a pack a day, every day for the 50 years, will on average burn through 18, 250 packs of cigarettes. If the price of cigarettes stayed static through 5 decades you would be spending close to $150,000 dollars. This figure pales in comparison to the estimated medical costs associated with lifelong smokers.

Everyone can agree that cigarettes are dangerous. Factor in health risks and financial burdens, and you’re looking at a lose-lose situation.The Online Drugstore offers over-the-counter medications online for all of your health and beauty needs. We are your safe online pharmacy source that can supply the products you need to kick cigarettes for good. Shop our inventory today to find what you’re looking for. 

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