Multiple Uses For Your Everyday Beauty Products-Part 1

Have you ever rummaged through your cabinets and wondered “Should I throw this away?” Read through these ideas before chucking that old bottle of perfume in the trash. Don’t forget to show off to your friends a bit with all this new knowledge too. We won’t judge.

Perfume is for more than smelling amazing.

No matter how many times you tell yourself your nails will be perfect this time, if impatience runs through you like a river, then just accept those nails will get smudged. No doubt, you are talented princess of greatness in everything else, but perfectly painting nails isn’t included in that. To err is human, to use perfume as nail polish remover is just plain smart. You heard it correctly, when you find yourself in dire need of nail polish remover but your cupboards are dry as the desert, pull out that perfume and start making those nail polish mistakes disappear. Have a sample you don’t mind wasting is even better. If you would rather not find yourself in this position, then don’t forget to order your remover after you’re done reading.

Tame those blisters with deodorant.

The morning after that night out, when you are cursing the heel gods for what they did to you with those red, four-inch devices of torture (sexy torture though), is a perfect example of why this tip is just for you, dear foolish one. Those beautiful heels are completely necessary for the perfect night out (Yeah, we said it.), but why not save yourself the day-after blister pain? Try only changing your outfit four times, and use the time you would spend on that fifth wardrobe change to apply some deodorant to heels of your feet. You need your feet for important errands tomorrow anyway, like buying a yet another pair of four-inch heels that are totally adorable and completely impractical. Another perk, you’re feet will smell amaaaazing.

Hairspray saves you from static.

Hey, remember how having your clothes stick to everything in sight was in style? Yeah, neither do we. This is due to one scientific fact: static cling ruins lives. Okay, that isn’t true, but we can agree it’s ridiculously annoying. A quick fix to this devil problem is hairspray. You can buy anti-static products, but why waste the money on two products when you can buy one product that solves both problems? Not to mention, like most people, you’ll probably forget you even have an anti-static product and use hairspray anyway. The money you will save could be used to start a campaign against static cling… Just a suggestion. Oh, you want another helpful suggestion? Awesome! Buy your hair supplies online through us. It makes life much easier.

Join us next time for more fun uses for those extra beauty products you have in your cabinet. Remember, don’t throw them out yet. You never know what you can do with it! In the meantime, spend your time trying these helpful tips, not running to the store again when you can buy your beauty products online. Go ahead, check them out.

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