The History of Cosmetics-Part 3

As we begin the conclusion to our series, we can look back at women over the ages and the sacrifices they were willing to make for beauty, some good and some bad. We can also see the progression of our society in regard to a woman’s right to choose how she want to look. So put on your lipstick and eye makeup because you’re almost ready to go out for the night. The only thing still needed is a little bit of perfume.

It’s no surprise we end up back in ancient Egypt. Resourceful, intelligent and dedicated to beauty, this society set the stage for many of the beauty practices we follow today. In fact their dedication went beyond simply indulging in alluring scents. These seductive scents were tied to the gods. Tied how, you might be asking. Well, the fragrances they used were thought to be the sweat of the sun god, Ra. Being a notable influence on other both the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, it makes sense the presence of Egypt was felt far and wide throughout the ancient world.

Differing greatly from its modern counterparts such as Chanel and Estee Lauder, ancient perfume was not as varied but every bit as appealing. Ingredients commonly used for their scents were frankincense, opopanax, myrrh, cedar and cypress. Another key difference is the modern carrier of scents is alcohol; in ancient societies, oil was the carrier of choice.

Cleanliness was an important part of that society as well, believe it or not. Not uncommon was bathing daily or following every meal. Scented oils (perfumes) were an additional step toward cleansing yourself. Returning to the connection this had with their gods, sweet-smelling fragrances were thought to be pleasing to the gods in ancient Greek civilizations. Not entirely unlike modern pricing, perfume was expensive and typically reserved for the affluent members of society. In ancient Greece specifically, those too poor to afford perfume might simply have perfume bottle painted on their coffin as a tribute to the gods. Fortunately for you ladies, we offer affordable, sultry scents.

From here the industry became what it is now, offering every scent a woman could desire. Though ever expanding and greatly varied in price, you can’t help but appreciate that our society provides every woman the chance to buy perfume. Go ahead, you modern queens, and go check out our fragrances for women now.

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