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If you’re reading this, perhaps you’re getting ready to become a new parent. If so, congratulations! Maybe you’re wondering what newborn baby products you’ll need, so that when you bring your newborn home from the hospital, you’ll be ready to go. First time parents frequently have massive baby registries, and you might be surprised by how little you actually need.

Keep reading to learn the basics of what you should have for your baby.

  • New parents and well-meaning friends and family frequently go nuts when it comes to newborn baby clothing. We get it, it can be irresistable to get newborn designer outfits. It can also be a huge waste of money. Babies grow quickly, and they grow out of outfits fast. A good rule of thumb is for 80% of your newbor’s clothing to be used, and 20% new for special outings. Look online, ask friends who have kids, and you’ll be able to find huge amounts of newborn clothes for very little money.
  • Speaking of clothing and sleepers, sometimes parents-to-be are leery of used clothes, especially if there are stains on it. Trust us when we tell you, babies stain everything in all kinds of ways. If you can save some big money by accepting a stained jumper or sleeper, go for it.
  • While it’s okay to pick up a couple of pieces ahead of time, a smart decision is to wait until you know the birth weight of your baby before embarking on a shopping spree. Otherwise, you run the risk of sizes that either don’t fit at all, or are only useable for a few days.
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