The Newborn Essentials-Part 2

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Welcome back! If you’re preparing for the birth of your baby, odds are you have questions. You might be making plans regarding which newborn baby products you’ll need. The thing is, many first time parents over prepare, and they end up with far more stuff than they actually need. Don’t worry about it, that’s what we’re here for.

Keep reading for more of the essentials you’ll need for your newborn.

  • Bath time doesn’t have to turn into a huge production. To save money, buy a used plastic infant tub. If you want to be even thriftier, bathe your newborn in the sink, or take baths together.
  • Parenting veterans will shudder uncontrollably when you say the word “diapers.” Not because they can be gross (They can), but because they can be expensive. As a new parent, don’t make the same mistake. If you opt for washable cloth diapers over disposables, with one child alone you’ll save a whopping $1700. Plus, if you’re environmentally conscious, you won’t have to worry about pounds of dirty diapers ending up in a landfill.
  • Along similar lines, don’t throw away your money with disposable wipes. Use washcloths or cloth nappies. Organic coconut oil is also safe for babies, safe for cloth diapers, and great for handling diaper rash.
  • Whatever kind of diapers you opt for, don’t load up on newborn sizes. Babies grow fast, so be sure to just buy what you need.
  • Should you buy a changing table. Well...we’ll put it this way, it’s not essential. Instead, buy a Pack N’ Play and do your changing business on top of a dresser or table. 
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