Glucose Supplements


Fast acting nutritious supplements are important to have readily available in the event of a diabetic emergency when glucose is low. Choose from a variety of supplement types that are designed to raise blood glucose levels in a hurry so that the body can return to normal function. You'll want to have these fast acting glucose products in your pockets!

Glucose pills, drinks, tablets and gels that are easy to swallow can boost energy in a hurry and are available in a variety of flavors such as orange, raspberry, watermelon, grape and more. Each causes a rapid increase in blood sugar concentration when the level is low. Dextrose is the active ingredient in these supplements and is quickly absorbed into the body. Individual doses meet the recommendations of the American Diabetes Association.

Keep glucose supplements where they are needed most so one is readily available at all times. Avoid emergencies by storing these in the home, automobiles and carry-on bags for easy access while traveling. 
