Sexual Health & Family Planning


There is no better place to shop for sexual health products than at Thrifty White Health Essentials. Enjoy total privacy on every order. Our selection of sexual healthcare solutions eliminates the guesswork out of every purchase. Browse through fertility and ovulation monitors, contraceptives and lubricants to find the product you need. Forget awkward trips to the pharmacy. Find the products you need, whether you want to increase intimacy with your partner or naturally boost male potency. Today, condoms do more than protect against sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and unplanned pregnancy. Condoms come with specialized lubricants to increase pleasure during use. We offer condoms for his and her enjoyment. Add K-Y or Astroglide lubricants to your order for maximum sexual comfort. We carry natural, water-based lubricant, too. Try flavored and warming gels for a new, fun sensation during your next sexual experience. If you are looking to increase your chances of pregnancy, purchase our fertility and ovulation tests. Our 5 percent back customer reward program and flat shipping rate means that you don’t need an excuse to purchase these sex-enhancing essentials.
